Camp Fire Snohomish County | Light The Fire Within

Board of Directors

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Governing Board meets on the fourth Thursday of each month at 4:30pm.
For information on joining our Board, please contact us at 425-258-5437 or

You may have noticed personal pronouns after some of our Board Member names. Check out this link to learn more!


President: Terrence Bedford, Thomas & Associates/WAFD Insurance

Vice President: Jason Cross, Light & Wonder

Treasurer: James McCafferty, Western Washington University

Secretary: April Lindow, The Boeing Company

Governing Board

Shelley Barker, Outdoor Schools WA

Albert Chang, Forbes Anderson, PLLC

Sarah Damp, Everett Community College

Shelly Fuller, CarToys

Fontelle Jones, GreatYarns!

Kari Petrasek, Petrasek Law PLLC

Courtney Schroeder, WA Dairy Association

Associate Board

Neil Angst

Rachael Bowker

Joe Bullis

Gigi Burke

Paul Bustard

Bob & Lori Christenson

Shirley Cole-Swanson

Parker DL Crompton

Julee Cunningham

Sara Donoghue

Heidi Duehning

Tammy Dunn

Beth Fraser

Sharon Gomez-Pascual

Janice Greene

Holly Guentz

Andy & Kaye Hall

Virginia Hatch

Shayne Hedahl

Russ Hermes

Steve Holtgeerts

Matthew Hovan

Kristal Keith

Celine Leapaga

Joe Marine

Deane Minor

Rod Moody

Kristine Morse-Holland

Dale Newman

Dale & Pam Packard

Paul Petrie

Carrie Radcliff

Allison Radiziner

Jennifer Rancourt

Yvonne Ricker

Lanette Rugis

Cheri Ryan

Alexander Sansoni

James Schrader

Andrea Sekora

Doug Smith

Sue Stevenson

Barbara Sweeney

Joe Truglio

Kathy Vaughn

Cynthia Weaver

Our Promise

Young people want to shape the world.

Camp Fire provides the opportunity to find their spark, lift their voice, and discover who they are.

In Camp Fire, it begins now.

Light the fire within